Creating Photopoetry

Celebrating 70 years of marriage

~  The PhotoPoetryBook ~ Day 366 – No Worries



No worries, I’ll be ok.

But it takes time for images to fade away,

It takes time trying to forget words,

It takes time for tears to dry,

When all your heart is overwhelmed

And numbed from pain,

From your passing through in heaven.

It just takes time.

So, don’t worry, I’ll be ok.


~ The Photo Poetry Book ~ Day 366 – No Worries ~


your happiness lies in your ability to be brutally sincere with yourself

your power to love lies in your capacity to be honest and open up your soul completely


This is the last day from my 366 Photo Poetry Project. After spending one year of 366 days writing poetry on little pieces of paper and capturing them in photographs, I have finished my project and arrived at the first poetry I wrote, the beginning of my project, and the purpose of it.


I never intended to write this book. I never planned to make this project.


In March 2015 I have lost my Grandfather who I loved and who meant a lot to me. This was the point in my life, where I opened my eyes and start seeing life as it is. Painful and short. I had all this pain in my heart and I started to question everything. I didn’t know anymore how I have lost all these years of my life, with unimportant things. It felt my life had no meaning anymore and I didn’t know how to go on. Slowly, I picked myself up, confronted one day at the time, until, I start living again.


We fear death. We are so scared of talking about death. But death is sweet. It relieves you. Instead, the hard moments from death are for the beloved ones who remain behind.


Next day after we lost him, I can only see my Grandmother, after 67 years of marriage, broken and overwhelmed from pain, repeating to me, over and over again:


“No worries, I’ll be ok.

But it takes time.

So, don’t worry”


I am the person that I am today, because of them. I know love, because of them. I see happiness, because of them. I see life, because of them.


A great love doesn’t go away. Never. Great pain comes with it. Be prepared to live your life. Open up your soul completely, be brutally sincere with yourself, and LOVE. 


I started The Photo Poetry Book as a personal 366 days challenge, creating each day photo-poetry, an experiment, in my healing process, in my grieving moments, after a depression, after a break down, when my whole world fell apart and I started questioning the purpose of life and trying to find a meaning for my life. The project The Photo Poetry Book it is a tribute to love, death, and life. By creating art again and writing again, The Photo Poetry Book project helped me along the way with all my struggles, social and emotional, that we all, as people, have to deal with. It is a project of deep love, purpose, loss, a tribute to love and death, an encouragement to go on and never give up, a process of learning and finding hope again. The only thing we are left with is faith.



If my grandfather would have been alive today, December the 3rd 2017, he and grandmother would have celebrated 70 years of marriage.

The book The Photo Poetry is dedicated to my grandparents.

About thephotopoetrybook

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