Did you ever think how much your point of view is influencing your world? Does your mind shape your life, your world, or you think your life is simply circumstances, a set of events that shape your mind and you cannot change the course of your life?
Always hearing the expression “choose to be happy”, makes me think if happiness can really be a choice. If bad things happen in your life, you can’t choose to be happy. If you experience tragic events in your life, it will make you sad.
Can we create the life that we are living in? Is our life the product of our mind?
Did you ever wonder, how much can we shape the view of our world?

Ohhh… but how life changes
And how it changes you.
If this world is merely
A reflection of our soul
It could be black
It could be white
Or grey.
I want the most beautiful sight
. . .
Because I have experienced loss, grief, and depression, and I understand the one that is standing in that place, broken, lost and lonely, I hope that my work brings comfort to the brokenhearted.
If you don’t heal your heart, the sadness will spread.
In my projects, I am hoping to open a path of healing for others.
. . .
If you want to read more about the Photopoetry Project, you can download the FREE e-book The Fine Art Photopoetry Manifesto here.