I started combining poetry and photography a long time ago, exhibiting for the first time in 2003 the concept, entitled Everlasting Ephemerals. The poems were presented side by side with the analog photographs. (Then, we were shooting on negative and processing the images in the dark room). It was only after many years I return to my original project, photo-poetry, and wanted to develop the concept even more.

photography & poems 2003 © DACIANA LIPAI ~ Everlasting Ephemerals

photography & poems 2003 © DACIANA LIPAI ~ Everlasting Ephemerals
I’ve started the Photopoetry Project in 2003 when I had my first personal exhibition. 40 images that were created in the darkroom, mounted on black cardboard Passepartout, combined with 40 poems, written on the same black cardboard.
The exhibition, entitled Everlasting Ephemerals, presented as a combination of poems and photography, an experimental concept of fine art photography, depicted the contrast between eternity and ephemeral, the visual and spiritual, between what we feel and what we see.
Photography has been part of my life early on, and I have written my first poetry manuscript when I was around 15 years old. In 2003 I had my first solo exhibition where I combined my written poems with my photographs. I had the entire manuscript of poetry, about 100 poems, in my own mother tongue language, Romanian.
It wasn’t only in 2016 after losing a loved one, I started to learn and write in English, to experiment photopoetry, and create daily. It was a 366 days challenge to create photopoetry each day, documenting my journey through grief, which led to the publication of The Photo Poetry Book and Turning Black into Color.

photography & poems 2003 © DACIANA LIPAI ~ Everlasting Ephemerals
In the search for a unique visual art expression and the development of my true voice as an artist, I wanted to share my path of healing, transforming the grief into happiness, to open a path of healing for the lost, lonely, brokenhearted.