An Audience of Crows, Fun and Three Edits – Protest ~ Dream Away Series ~
– “Can you please hide me here, beautiful Ivy? I’ll just sit still, dreaming away. How is your world?”
Lately, this is how I feel. I just want to hide away from it all. From the lies. From the terror. From the hate. From all the grief.
If only it could be so easy building up worlds, made out of good, love, and kindness. If only, you could hide under a leaf, and in a heartbeat, all it’s fixed again. All better.
© DACIANA LIPAI | Protest ~ D R E A M • A W A Y ~ Fine Art Photography Series
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In my last post, I’ve told you why I wanted to make this shoot. (if you missed the post, you can read it here)
After the shoot, I’ve changed my mind because I don’t want to cut the five-leaved ivy wall anymore. So it’s all become a PROTEST.
– Don’t cut the ivy, look how beautiful it is!
It was a really great effort to convince myself to make this shoot. Hair. Dress. Camera. It was an unusually warm day. Shortly after I started to shoot I was getting fusstrated because I wanted an image straight out of camera with a shallow depth of field. Now, if I think about it, I was thinking exactly like someone who never took photographs before: “what’s the big deal, just step outside, click, and you’re done!”. My mind was simply not there. I didn’t have the patience to get the focus in place. With no time on my hand, no plan in mind, I was about to call it a day and quit the shoot, when… a huge pack of crowds started flying around and making all this noise, and I instantly started to laugh after the camera when “click” and so the absurdity of it all.
It is all easy when you have a big audience of crows approving!
Here is a little behind the scene.
I’ve achieved the colorful blurred effect by putting leaves in front of the camera. This is the unedited original photo of the ivy wall.
Finally, I’ve ended up with three different versions because I didn’t want to clone out hands, hair, or other elements. I hear all the time: “you should stick to your editing style, your signature style”. Yeah, this is a PROTEST anyways, so I’m breaking all the rules. And the crows approve! I wanted to allow myself to play a little bit with editing and try different styles and editing processes.
I like each image for different reasons.

© DACIANA LIPAI | Protest ~ D R E A M • A W A Y ~ Fine Art Photography Series – version 1
© DACIANA LIPAI | Protest ~ D R E A M • A W A Y ~ Fine Art Photography Series – version 2
© DACIANA LIPAI | Protest ~ D R E A M • A W A Y ~ Fine Art Photography Series – version 3

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Lots of love, Daciana